Wednesday 29 August 2007

Last days

originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
This blog seemed to have stopped when I lost my phone - nevertheless, today is my last day here in Berlin. I'm heading to the DDR museum and to see some public art, and then out with some friends for farewell drinks!

Sunday 19 August 2007


originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
After a pretty busy week that included lots of classes, social activities and losing my phone combined with missing the last train home one night (I had to take a taxi), I'm enjoying a relaxing weekend. Nice and warm and sunny here. Lots more photos to post - as soon as I have time!

Sunday 12 August 2007


originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
After a late brunch I headed over to Frankfurt for the afternoon. I was struck by the size of the skyscrapers - clearly there is a lot of money here - contrasted with the red-light district which basically stretches from central station up to the CBD. I lost count of how many times I was approached for money, sex, or sometimes both during my walk around the city. So long as you keep your eyes pointed skywards, it's quite a nice town.

Saturday 11 August 2007


esa space man
esa space man,
originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
Poppped over to Darmstadt for the weekend to visit a friend and see a bit of Hessen. Carpet bombed during WW2, it's a fairly bleak place at first glance however some of the few older parts of the town are quite nice. I was treated to a tour of the ESOC facility where my friend Shamal works, followed by some excellent Pils along with some tasty German food.

Monday 6 August 2007


originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
The last few days I've been settling in to life in Berlin. That means I've been very busy with classes, homework, the culture programme and general socialising (food, films, drinks etc) with other people on the course. It is all good fun, even if a little detached from reality. Berlin is a very laid-back city and unlike the UK, the public transport runs all night on the weekends meaning that there's no hurry to get home. On the weekend just gone, I visited the Berlinische Galerie, followed by an evening out in Kreuzberg. Sunday I visited some of the flea markets, and then went to a beer festival!

Thursday 2 August 2007


originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
We had a tour of Berlin yesterday, from where these photos came. Last night there was a "welcome" event which was basically a night at the pub. Lots of german spoken. I must be getting better because I gave a couple directions on the U-Bahn today (in german) however if I'm not thinking I reply to people in English still - which happened in class today!

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Breitenbachplatz U-Bahnhof

Breitenbachplatz U-Bahnhof
Breitenbachplatz U-Bahnhof,
originally uploaded by m 4 r k.
First day of classes today. It's a good group, all very eager and friendly.